Whether you’re ready to improve the air quality of your home, office, commercial building or apartment complex, we’re ready to provide the air duct inspection and cleaning services you need.
Why do I need duct cleaning?
- Contained in the hundreds of square feet of surface area in your air ducts are years of accumulation of dust, dirt, pollen, hair, spider webs, dead insects, dust mites and other allergens and impurities.
- Mold spores and moisture can breed mold growth in contaminated air duct systems.
- The impurities and bacteria in your air ducts can contribute to allergies, asthma and other health issues.
- Clean air ducts reduce heating and cooling system bills by allowing them to run more efficiently.
- Clean air ducts can reduce the need to dust as often.
- Professionally cleaned air ducts reduce odors from smoke, cooking and pets.
For all your specialized cleaning needs, call (317) 713-6801 or contact Alpine Group’s team of certified professionals.
Call NowAlpine Group is featured in an Angie’s List video called “Dont Let Fear Result in Air Duct Cleaning Scam”
Alpine Group owner Dave Adams is featured in an Angie’s List video about duct cleaning. Avoid air duct cleaning scams by:
- Avoiding “Lowest Cost” advertisers who bait & switch
- Avoiding operators who use scare tactics to inflate advertised prices.
- Avoiding air duct cleaners who are not NADCA members.
NADCA Video: “Victim to Fraud – Beware of the $99 Whole House Air Duct Cleaning Special”
About National Air Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA): NADCA was formed in 1989 as a nonprofit association of companies engaged in the cleaning of HVAC systems. Its original mission was to promote source removal as the only acceptable method of cleaning and to establish industry standards for the association. Alpine Group is a proud member of NADCA. Learn more about NADCA here
When should I have my air ducts cleaned?
- If you have never had your ducts cleaned…
- If it’s been over five years since your last cleaning…
- If you have chronic sinus or allergy problems…
- If you have unexplained headaches…
If you are expecting a baby- clean now!
- When moving into a new house…
- When replacing your furnace…
- If you have dogs or cats, or a previous homeowner did…
- If a smoker lives or lived in your home…
- If you live close to trees, fields or dusty areas…
- After any room addition or major work done to your home…
- If your ducts or furnace smell musty…
- If your registers or cold air returns have excessive dust on them…
- If dust reappears on your furniture shortly after dusting.
For all your specialized cleaning needs, call (317) 713-6801 or contact Alpine Group’s team of certified professionals.
Call NowBelow: Before and After Alpine Air Duct Cleaning
Click here to view our “Before & After” Air Duct Cleaning Gallery
Click here to view our “Before & After” Air Duct Cleaning Gallery
How Air Duct Cleaning Works
- Alpine Group uses the finest air duct cleaning equipment available, made by Meyer Machine Equipment Inc. Meyer is a long time National Air Duct Cleaning Association member, and they have provided their high quality equipment for use in EPA sponsored studies.
- Alpine Group follows industry approved cleaning and inspection procedures.
- Our technicians review your HVAC system and identify the most effective way to clean your system. Typically, we isolate your supply and cold air return ducts and clean each system separately.
- A powerful industrial-sized vacuum is hooked up to your air duct system near the furnace. First we air wash the dust and particles off the outside and inside of your registers, then we remove them to gain access to the entire duct length.
- We use a variety of specialty air tools with long hoses that air-agitate and mechanically scrub the insides of the duct, driving dirt, dust and other contaminants into our huge vacuum.
- We finish our job by air washing your furnace and blower and vacuuming any visible residue in your furnace unit. Alpine Group can also provide OXINE sanitizing of the entire HVAC system.
Helpful Article: Deciding Whether or Not to Have Your Air Ducts Cleaned
For all your specialized cleaning needs, call (317) 713-6801 or contact Alpine Group’s team of certified professionals.
Call Now